Workplace Health & Safety Systems
Rangiriri Consultants specialises in working with each workplace to produce a unique, relevant and appropriate health and safety management system.
Since the enactment of the Health and Safety in Employment Act in 1992, workplace safety has been driven to significant reforms. Recent highly publicised accidents and a persistently high number of workplace injuries necessitated further changes.
In December 2013, WorkSafe NZ, a dedicated agency, was established to oversee health and safety. It serves as the enforcement authority and handles HSNO and ACC compliance.
The Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 became law in August 2015, aligning New Zealand's legislation with international standards. This legislation emphasises a risk management approach and places greater responsibility on businesses for the safety of their workers and visitors.
Standards NZ recently adopted ISO 45001:2018 as the preferred standard for Health and Safety Management Systems. This global standard offers guidance for building top-notch safety management systems. Rangiriri Consultants specialise in creating tailored systems based on ISO 45001:2018, ensuring international recognition and certification.

Importance of a robust system
There is an old saying "if it is not written down it didn't happen". A robust health and safety management system is like a good insurance policy in that it provides a level of protection when required.
More importantly, a good health and safety management system provides a clear road map for ensuring the following bases are covered:
Visitor and Contractor Management
Hazard ID, risk assessment and mitigation
Training and competency
Plant and Machinery Management
Accident / Incident Management
Emergency preparedness
Rangiriri Consultants specialises in working with each workplace to produce a unique, relevant and appropriate health and safety management system.
Each workplace is unique and needs to have a health and safety management system that reflects that uniqueness.
Due Diligence
Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 Officers (those with directional control of a company e.g. owners, board members, CEO's etc.) have a requirement to undertake due diligence to ensure the PCBU (company) is discharging it's duties under the act.
To help their clients with this onerous task Rangiriri Consultants has become a Premium Partner with Safe 365. Rangiriri Consultants, through Safe 365, can provide an online system that allows Officers to assess how each business unit or branch of the business is performing with respect to health and safety. Reports generated through Safe 365, allows officers to target programs and funds to achieve company health and safety goals more effectively.
What Safe365 is
Safe365 is a simple, pragmatic and cost-effective health and safety system for small businesses to help you understand and measure your compliance, identify where your gaps are and gives you a tailored action plan for your improvement journey.
The Safe365 companion Smartphone App is so easy to use for incident, hazard and safety/inspection reporting, as well as checklists and surveys.
What’s your Safe365 Safety Index™ score?
Do a Free Self-Assessment and find out!